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Improve Reference and Research Support Services : Research Support at NML

To Enhance the Research output visibility of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences: Example from the National Medical Library at UAE University

Support the review production

Support the review production

The research trends increasingly moved towards the systematic reviews especially on the medical field in order to understand the gap of the current studies on the research area.

The National Medical Library provides unlimited access to the Covidence which is an online tool that assist with the screening of citations, abstracts and full text studies for systematic review, also supports the risk of bias, data extraction and exporting of reference and data.

The NML support the faculty and researchers’ team in their reviews, by providing the assistance to improve the quality of the literature search, finding and requesting the non-available articles, follow up with the reviews and responsible of uploading the full text in Covidence. The librarians will get an acknowledgment for participating in the review.

University Academic Repository

University Academic Repository

Scholarworks@UAEU is an open-access, sustainable and secure resource created to preserve and provide access to research, and the creative works generated by the university community for the benefit of UAEU students, faculty, staff and the worldwide.

The librarian at the NML reached out the departments on the CMHS in order to receive their different research output and departmental newspapers to upload them on repository to increase the visibility and to keep track of and analyze their research performance, also the library created a section for the conference and symposia for the Evidence Based Librarian (EBL) to upload the posters, presentations and papers done by the library staff.

Quality Assurance Services

Quality Assurance Services

Quality Assurance in research comprises all the techniques, systems and resources that are deployed to give assurance about the care and control with which research has been conducted. The NML assured the quality of thesis and papers of the CMHS community by providing reports through iThenticate plagiarism and similarity checking software, based on the UAEU tolerance on general similarity is no more than 10% and no more than 2% similarity on a single source. Also, the library provides a service that evaluate the predatory publication using Cabell’s lists to check the indexed and the predatory journals to help the researches published with a trusted journal.