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Improve Reference and Research Support Services : Reference Services at NML

To Enhance the Research output visibility of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences: Example from the National Medical Library at UAE University

ILL Services

Interlibrary Loan 

Document delivery service (DDS)or document supply service refer to the electronic delivery of document from library collection to the library user’s requester.

The NML provide the interlibrary loan service and document delivery (ILL/DD) to develop the collaborative library service, support research, academic teaching and learning program.

An interlibrary loan is exchange and sharing information among libraries. Also, resource sharing with universities world-wide and contacting journal, Authors, via email and deferent research networks. the ILL librarian at NML follow up the interlibrary loan requests and providing high quality service to CMHS community.

Information Literacy

Liaison Librarian

Liaison Librarian

Liaison Librarian serves as the main point of contact to the students and faculty with navigating the library resource relevant to their teaching and learning.

The National Medical Library offers the liaison librarian service in order to enhance the communication and collaboration between the faculty and the library effectively.

The liaison librarian reached out a specific discipline and department to gather all possible resources that will benefit both the faculty and the students as well to support the teaching and learning process in order to match their needs to utilize the resources at best, and promoting the library services and resources by connecting the faculty with the library resources such as blended learning that will help them to deliver the information in an interaction manner. for example, conducting an introductory session to the library resources, and to be the point contact for any related inquiries and assistance for the research and scholarly communication. Also, the liaison librarian develops a partnership connection with the department that allow them to participate in their meetings and discipline-specific programs.


Information Literacy

Information literacy

Information literacy is "a set of talents requiring persons to identify when information is needed and have the ability to search, analyze, and apply the essential information effectively," according to the American Library Association (ALA2018).

The National Medical Library is devoted to collaborating with medical faculty to deliver information literacy workshops and sessions that are integrated into courses at all levels of medical education. The courses, which are based on the Association of College and Research Libraries' (ACRL) Standards for the Information Literacy Competency for Higher Education, give students knowledge of important medical information resources as well as transferrable information literacy and critical thinking skills.

Aside from the information literacy program, the library also provides shorter, on-demand classes on a variety of discipline programs, or information sources. Additionally, the Library provides one-one and group sessions on searching techniques using different reference and research databases to gain the more precise research results.