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Blended learning resources at NML: Medical podcasts


Access Medicine Harrison's Podclass

Internal medicine and board prep. classes by the well known medical text book author Harrisson 

Annals of Emergency Medicine

Summaries of original articles as well as comments on notable editorials.

American Journal of Public Health Podcast

Podcasts from AJPH

BMJ Medicine Podcasts

Links to all podcasts from BMJ specialty journals

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Podcasts

Pubic health podcasts from CDC

Evidence-Based Health Care Talks

JAMA Podcasts (Journal of the American Medical Association) 

Over 20 different podcasts produced by JAMA Network. JAMA Medical News, The Weekly Editors' Audio Summary, JAMA Clinical Review are few examples. 

The Lancet Audio Archive

A weekly audio summary featuring discussion and debate of the most recent research in medicine from The Lancet

Mayo Clinic Podcast

Podcasts from Mayo Clinic News Network

Nature Podcasts

Podcasts on a variety of topics including medicine, cancer, systems biology, genetics etc. plus podcast for Nature journal articles.

New England Journal of Medicine Podcasts

Includes the podcasts "NEJM Weekly Audio Summary" and  "NEJM Interviews"

NEJM Interviews (New England Journal of Medicine)

Interviews with article authors and other experts

NEJM This Week (New England Journal of Medicine)

Weekly audio summaries of the current issue of NEJM

World Health Organization Podcasts

The WHO podcast brings you public health information and related news from around the world.

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