Document Delivery and Inter-Library Loan
- When an item requested or needed by CMHS users is not in the library collection and cannot be acquired, efforts will be made to obtain it through other means, such as Document Delivery, Interlibrary Loan (ILL) or purchase on demand.
- When journal articles, reports or book chapters are not available in the collection, copies will be obtained whenever possible through international Document Delivery services, e.g. DOCLINE (National Library of Medicine's), or by cooperative agreements with regional libraries in the area.
- The NML play an active role in developing regional cooperative and consortia agreements regarding resource-sharing activities.
- The NML participate in efforts to promote resource sharing and consortia agreements with other institutions in the UAE and the region to expand access to resources.
- The UAE University Libraries has agreed with the Al Maktoum medical library in Dubai to offer inter-library loans of books and other items according to our policies.