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E- books at NML

                       E-books at NML

The National Medical Library hosts a large collection of medical books in electronic format. The books are accessible on, and off, campus through UAEU ID identification, and can be located by title, author or topic with the help of the library’s search tool "Summon" or through below listed  e-book platforms.  

Creating a personal account in any of the e-book platforms directly, will additionally give access to study tools like highlighting functions, adding notes to chapters or sections in books, creating personalized bookshelves, export text and images to ppt presentations etc.

For course books online, please also see our guide for "Course Resources". 

E- book platforms

AccessEmergency MedicineccessEmergency Medicine e- textbook platform provides access to core Emergency Medicine  text books such as “Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine Manual”, “Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies” and more.

Information access:  


AccessHemOnc e- textbook platform provides access to core Hematology and Oncology text books such as “Williams Hematology”, “MD Anderson Manual of Medical Oncology” and more.

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Access Medicine provides updated, point- of- care information and resources such as e- books, cases, diagnostic tools and drug information. A comprehensive collection of pediatric and adult patient education handouts is available as well as a multimedia library with images and videos divided by categories and systems. Mobile app with selected features from the database is available.

Information access:   


AccessNeurology e- textbook platform provides access to core neurology text books such as “Lange Clinical Neurology and neuroanatomy: a localization-based approach”, “Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology” and more.

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AccessObGyn e- textbook platform provides access to core OB/GYN text books such as “Williams Obstetrics”, Lange Current Series in Obstetrics and Gynecology and more.

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AccessPediatrics e- textbook platform provides access to core pediatric text books such as “Rudolph’s Pediatrics”, Lange Current Series in Pediatrics and more.

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AccessPharmacy e- textbook platform provides access to core pharmacology text books such as “Pharmacotherapy Casebook”, Lange Pharmacy Series and more. 

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AccessSurgery e- textbook platform provides access to core surgery text books such as “Schwart’z Principles of Surgery”, “Lange Current Procedures in Surgery” and more. 

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ClinicalKey includes a significant number of medical e-books. You can read online, either from your computer or on a mobile device through the ClinicalKey app.

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Lippincott Health Library Basic and Anatomical Sciences Premium Collections contains over 50 medical and basic science textbooks such as "Bate's Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking" and more.

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Lippincott Health Library Clerkship Collection is an online platform including around 50 titles for clerkship students as well as medical board exams.

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ProQuest Ebook Central provides access to thousands of e-books in different areas including a large collection of titles from the fields of medicine and the health sciences.

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American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) eBook platform textbooks such as “Basic Ophthalmology: Essentials for Medical Students”, “Basic and Clinical Science Course” etc. 

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